Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Essay about Qfwfq

Q’s main personality trait between both stories is always being very narrow-minded and jumping to the worst conclusions. In The Aquatic Uncle, Q assumes that his fiancee’ felt sorry for him because of his fish like uncle. He was wrong. Q has a deep shame of his uncle being a fish so he is embarrassed to introduce him to Lll. And in Dinosaurs, he assumes that the New Ones had revealed his identity, three times. And every single time he was wrong and risked losing his new friends. This shows that Q doesn’t stop to think about both sides of a situation before he automatically assumes what’s going to happen.

    First, in The Aquatic Uncle, Q has an overachieving fiancee named Lll and a rude, stubborn uncle named N’ba N’ga. Q is afraid to introduce Lll to his uncle because he is ashamed of his uncle being a fish. Then finally Q introduces them. After they meet, Lll makes a remark,
“He’s very nice, your uncle,” (77)
and Q assumes that it is the most awful and embarrassing thing. So he then tries to woo her by assuming being more land-like will get her back, but what he doesn't know is that Lll is actually attracted to how N’ba N’ga is so aquatic. But Q was being narrow-minded so he didn’t notice this about Lll. In the end, Lll left Q for N’ba N’ga so she could be a fish with him.

    Then, in The Dinosaurs, Q meets these creatures and he calls them the New Ones. In the first situation, they called him over and Q begins running assuming they recognized him as a dinosaur. But they simply wanted him to help them build a dam. Secondly, when he was going to get a drink by one of the girls, Fern Flower, and he automatically thought that the moment she saw him, she would know he was a dinosaur. Again, nothing happened and they ended up having a little conversation. And lastly, when Q fought Zahn, Fern Flower’s brother, the New Ones began yelling,”Give it to him, Dinosaur!” And Q once more thought they had figured out he was a dinosaur. All three assumptions were wrong.

    If you didn’t notice, he assumed the worst things every situation too. Q never once stopped to think, well maybe this won’t happen or maybe it’s just all in my head. No, he was so sure that the worst would happen because he is a very narrow-minded person. Comparing all of the outcomes of both stories, Q has the same personality and all that has changed were his physical features.

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