Thursday, September 16, 2010

Response blog. 9-16-10 Quickwrite

     I chose to post my quickwrite to a question Mr.Sutherland asked the freshmen class in repsonse to a post by Nawara about her school experience:

    On my first day of ASTI, as a freshmen, I thought that I would get so stressed out and overwhelmed that I would flunk out and have to go to Alameda High. Well as I got through the first couple of weeks, I felt like I did not belong here. Although no one was mistreating me or anything like that, I still felt like I didn’t fit in. But now, a month has gone by and I feel like ASTI is the perfect place for me and so far, I have not been stressed out completely. I am getting fairly good grades, I haven’t got into any trouble, I already have a big group of friends that accept me for who I am, they don’t distract me from my schoolwork and some of them actually help me with it sometimes. Unlike some of my old friends in middle school.

    Coming into ASTI I knew that there were no sports, which meant no Friday night football games, no jocks, and no cheerleaders who think they’re better than everybody. But I am okay with that because it is actually a distraction to my learning. I can always go to the Encinal and Alameda High football games with my friends who go there, I will just have to pay a little more. But unlike my friends that go to those high schools, I will be learning and doing things at ASTI in the 10th grade that they won’t until senior year. Right now, I am transitioning well with the ASTI expectations and I expect to throughout the rest of my freshmen year. Overall, I think that getting through this high school will be tough at times, but in the long run it will all be worth it.
In what ways can you identify (or not) with the process she describes of adjusting to high school, and ASTI in particular? What questions do you have? How has your first month been?
And here's my response.

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