Thursday, September 23, 2010

Response to Leah's Post about the N-Word

The other day in P.E., myself, Leah, and two caucasian students had a debate about why a white person can't say the N-Word. So Leah did a blog post on it and she brought up this point:
After we ended the debate, they brought it up again “I’m just saying when I say it ending in –ga- I mean my homey”, we said “The N-word comes from the Spanish word Negro for the color black, slave owners adopted that word using it as a bad term towards African-Americans, so know matter how u say it how u want to phrase, if your white then it is not appropriate for you to say?
What me and Leah said was a logical statement. Back in the day, when a white person called a black person the N-word, they were referring to them as a black slave. Now modern day, if a person calls another person the N-Word(usually black person to black person), it would mean homie. But on the other hand, if a white person says to a black person, "Whats up my nigga!" Then it's going to be interpreted as racist just for the simple fact that it is a white person saying this to a black person.

Now some might say, well isn't that just as racist. Saying a white person can't say the N-Word just because they're white? No, because when a white person calls a black person the N-Word, it is racist. So a black person is not being racist if they say a white person can't say the N-Word because if they do, than it is going to cause a commotion, regardless. So basically, the black person is just trying to avoid a fight, or any confrontation whatsoever with the white person by telling them not to say the N-Word.

So you people who think that white people should be allowed say the N-Word, ARE WRONG and you DON'T know what you are talking about obviously. You are just trying to start stuff and cause drama so just sit down and shut up. The end (for now).

1 comment:

  1. I responded to this post ! :
