Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Debate 0pening Statement !!!!!!

CON- Social Networking

Social networking is harmful to people’s health, real-life social relationships, and also constitutes a threat to their privacy. Most teens don’t know that when they post photos and information onto websites like Facebook and Myspace, it can still be retrieved even after deletion. Social networking also makes cyberbullying easier and Sameer Hinduja states that a 2009 study found that 17.3% of middle school students have been victims of cyberbullying, which causes depression and low self-esteem, adds on. Adults can get hacked and have their identity stolen, get their homes broken into, and potentially lose their job. And according to David Derbyshire from Daily Mail, too much time on these websites can also cause brain damage to children.

1 comment:

  1. Looking for ways to get a little more evidence and more "punch" into this...For example, do you have any info about HOW MUCH identity theft is happening out there? If you did, it would be a lot more effective than simply saying that it "can" happen.
