Friday, August 27, 2010

ASTI Constitution- Relating quote

ASTI Constitution:

1.Think before you speak or act
2.Include, don’t exclude
3.Accept others for who they are
4.Build mutual trust and respect
5.Assume positive intent
6.Speak up for yourself and others
7.Strive to understand where other people are coming from; be empathetic
8.Take responsibility for your actions and words
9.Make a positive impact on the people and environment around you
10.Resolve conflict peacefully

Here is a quote I read that I can relate to on Rahni's blog.
When I think back to when I was a little kid growing up, I was never harassed by anyone and I never participated in an alliance that made anyone feel bad. I always helped and stood up for those people because I knew I would hate it if anyone bullied me or hurt my feelings in any way.
This quote relates to the first and sixth commandments on the ASTI Constitution. Speak up for yourself and others, and think before you speak or act. I also speak up for others when i see them being harassed so I can relate to what Rahni is trying to say here. This is a great example of what the ASTI Constitution represents because it is symbolizing standing up to bullies, thinking about your actions, and caring for others. As she explains, she didn't harass others because she knew that she wouldn't like it if anyone did that to her. However, the problem is bullies don't stop to think about how they would feel if someone did to them what they were doing to others because of their own insecurities. If they thought how Rahni does, there wouldn't be any bullies because all of them would look at things from a different perspective than their own. And that's also what is causing so many problems in our modern day society. People don't think before they act. It is one of the biggest flaws in human nature and I believe if more and more people begin to correct these flaws, life would be much easier for those victims who are bullied and the people surrounding them.

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