Friday, October 1, 2010

L.O.V.E Response Post

Love is overrated. Love is too much for teenagers to handle and can cause extra stress that is not needed and when YOU GET DUMPED, your heart will break into a million pieces and you will feel like your whole world has come to an end and you will go into a dark, deep depression. Here's a quote I got from Karen's blog:
All love basically is you give someone all the love you have until they decided to hurt you or end it.
 As a teenager, I agree with this statement. Some of us fall in love, then get our hearts broken after we have given one person all of our time and trust. Now why does this happen? Well it's apart of life and nowadays, it's hard to find one person that you will be with forever and stay faithful to. And this is very sad. Back in our grandparents time, it was easier to commit to one person for all of your life and it would be okay to fall in love when you were young. But since then, times have become worse, people have become more sly and temptation is skyrocketing through the roof.

Cheating is now the thing to do and you really have to watch out who you fall for because you got guys and girls that will be dating two or three people at one time while dating you, then in the end you will feel like the stupid one, if you ever find out. And the domestic violence rate has went up greatly because women fall in love with men and then the men take advantage of them because they know the women won't leave. This is also the reason that most people cheat because they know that their partner deep in love with them and they will not leave.

And on the other hand, you got teenagers that fall in love with a person they aren't even going out with. Back in middle school, their was this girl who fell really hard for this guy and he basically told her he didn't like her as more than a friend. Now this was in about November and she didn't get over him until after our eighth grade graduation in June. Now its not like she was ugly, she was very pretty in fact but he wanted another girl. She was crushed and in my opinion she shouldn't have fallen for him so easily. But I guess some people can't help themselves.


  1. I made a response here :

  2. I made a response here:
