Friday, January 14, 2011

Response post: one fourteen twenty-eleven

Today in class, we had a discussion on what are spirits or what is the spirit. Many people had very different opinions and it evolved into an in-class debate. Mr. Sutherland had to stop us because everybody had something to say about this topic. While I was looking through blogs, I came across one that pointed out the discussion about spirits in particular from Meriam's blog,
"From our class disscussion, many people reffered to the spirits as ghosts of people who died but didn't pass on. Others said that spirits could be in a sense a respect for the dead or things that are alive but dont move."
Some people might say that spirits don't exist at all and that all the things you see on TV is fake. Well I know that you shouldn't believe everything you see on TV, but once you've experienced it first hand for yourself, then I'm sure it won't be easy to say they don't exist. I am Christian so I don't really believe in "spirits" as far as paranormal activity, but I do believe in "the spirit" which is considered to be the Holy Ghost and also angels. I have grown up in the church and when you see what it's like to get the Holy Ghost and experience it up close in real life, it is a truly amazing thing. Also, someone else brought up a point that ghosts are just lost souls. If there are ghosts, I don't think they are just lost souls, they are people who died and can't move on to another life because there's something on Earth they can't let go of and have come back to claim or try to hold on to something that was theirs. I don't really believe in the whole paranormal activity hype because it's not anything to play with. Like if we were meant to come in contact with the "other world" then it wouldn't be so hard to connect with it. But since we are physical human beings and not spirits, I think we should just stay in our place and not mess with restless souls.

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