Sunday, January 23, 2011

Color of Purple Quickwrite

Celie's letters to God tell me that she trusts God with her deepest secrets. This doesn't necessarily mean that she believes in God because she never puts her letters in the form of a prayer or anything like that, she just writes to him. Another reason would be that she writes to God in fear. 
"You better not ever tell nobody but God. It'd kill your mammy."(pg.1)
Her father told her this and this is probably the only reason why she writes to God, because she is afraid of him. Since her mom died shortly after that, she probably thinks he's going to kill her now if she tells anyone else. But in her letters, she shows no sign of hatred for anyone or writes anything mean, so far. She is a very sweet, innocent, and harmless person. She doesn't ever hurt anybody yet she takes multiple beatings and threats from others. For example, at a point in the story she calmly explains what a little twelve year old boy(demon) did to her.
"He pick up a rock and laid my head open. The blood run all down..."(pg.12)
She didn't do one thing back to him and all his dad, her husband, said was don't do that. Now I don't know about you but that just makes me straight up mad. But the point is Celie wouldn't hurt a fly and she doesn't mean harm to no one.

Her letters also show us that she has good intentions. She's always thinking about her sister and how she can do for her. Nettie is Celie's world.
"All I thought about was Nettie. How she could come to me if I marry him and he be so love struck with her I could figure out a way for us to run away."(pg.9)

Celie is willing to marry someone she doesn't even love just so she can save her little sister and get her safe. She is willing to change her entire life for Nettie because she doesn't want her to end up like her with her awful father abusing and molesting Nettie too. Celie has good intentions and puts others before herself all the time. 

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