Monday, November 15, 2010

Response post to "The One"

As I was looking through the blog posts, I came across an interesting one written by sophomore, Andy Tsang.  The central topic of his post was finding "the one", or perfect soul mate. Now some of us may never find that perfect someone who will stay faithful, honest, love you for who you are, and stick by your side no matter what. And the others that do, are by far the luckiest people in the world. As I began reading through the post, his introduction paragraph specifically stood out the most to me.
 The other day, I was discussing relationships with one of my friends. He had recently started dating, but was unsure if his +1 was “the one” for him. They were obviously an odd couple, evident racially and by the fact that they barely knew each other. However, they both seem to really want to make their relationship work, ignoring jeers and insults on the side. But does this make them soulmates, or are they just going through their honeymoon period? Is she really “the one” for him? And how many girls out there are “the one”(s) for any guy?

Now Andy brings up very interesting points here. Maybe they are soul mates, maybe they aren't. In my opinion, the key word here is recently started dating. It will be fairly hard to tell if she was the right one for him if they've only been dating for a short period of time. From my knowledge, usually couples date awhile before they decide if their partner is 'the one' for them or not. I think that his friend should just see how it goes with the girl before he begins to question his relationship with her.

Also, secondly Andy brought up the point that they were obviously an odd couple, evident racially and by the fact that they barely knew each other. Being racially different doesn't make two people an 'odd' couple, neither does the fact they barely know each other. Would two people have to be the same race and be best friends for them not to make an 'odd' couple? No. The other day a friend and I were discussing a matter similar to this and she told me, "Well opposites attract." This a very old saying, but it is true. If two people were almost exactly the same and liked everything that the other did, at some point very early in the relationship they would get sick of each other and want change. 

Now the fact that they barely know each other is not a reason to be an 'odd' couple. When two people date, they do it because they have feelings for the other person and want to get to know them better. So I do not understand what Andy is saying when he argues that they barely know each other, therefore they're an odd couple. But I guess that's just my opinion. 

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