Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Religion: The never ending debate

Since seventh grade, I have argued with numerous people about religion. But since this past summer to this day, there has been this one particular guy who is an atheist, who has argued with me about religion. I would get very heated at him, every time he would say something like God isn't real or religion is stupid.  It wasn't until the other day, I heard him arguing with my other friend, who believes in God, about religion. And I was looking at her blog and saw a blog post about another encounter they had about religion. I got this quote from her,
 I believe it was about a month ago when a rude and pathetic and freshman friend of mine (who I will call X) said to me, "Yeah sure. You believe in something that is really not up there!"
Now this is very offensive and I remember when I was in that same position just a few months ago, fighting for what I believed in. But I noticed, you can't force someone to see the world from your point of view. You can't convince someone not to express their opinion without offending yours. And you sure as hell can't argue with someone until you win, especially when that person isn't going to give up until they are sure you see where they are coming from.

Religion is a never ending debate. Religion has been the main issue of this world since the beginning of time, and lots of people have been killed for believing in certain religions. But now in present-day America, anyone is allowed to believe in any religion they want and can express it in whatever way they want. Some people are very deeply religious and have a problem when somebody says a certain remark regarding their religion. This can lead to physical or verbal harassment, and even murder. So I would recommend that a person should think before they make a mean remark regarding someone's religion because one day they will say it around the wrong person and let's just say, it's going to be all bad.

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