Monday, November 15, 2010

Kite Runner Part Three, Last but Not Least !

The last part of this book was very intense and left me very depressed. I thought that when Hassan got raped was the biggest highlight of this book. I was mistaken and turns out it was just a warm-up to prepare for what Hosseini had in store for us. The events that take place in this book are unimaginable and very easy to believe. I had to remind myself multiple times that this story was only fiction and so were the most of the events & characters in it. The scenes that stood out to most people was probably the rape and fight scenes. But what happened right before Amir entered Assef's mansion engaged me. As Farid and Amir arrived at the house, they sat for a moment in silence.
"Farid shifted on his seat and toyed with the keys still hanging from the ignition switch. I could tell he was readying himself to tell me something.'I guess I'll wait in the car for you,' he said finally, his tone a little apologetic."
As I re-read this, I took a moment and thought, why would Farid's tone be a little apologetic? It's almost like Farid is apologizing in advance to Amir. 

Now why would Farid do this? What reason does he have to apologize to Amir after all he's done for him. After reading through the entire fight scene and going back to do my annotations, I realized that Farid knew something very bad would happen to Amir when he was inside of that house. Farid and Amir both saw what Assef had done to that poor man at the soccer game so for what reason would he have to show Amir mercy? I also believe that Amir knew before hand ,and not when he was in the room and blurted out those words, that something bad might happen to him if he went to that meeting with Assef. But this shows that Amir really cared about Sohrab, or just wanted to get him to cleanse himself of guilt.

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