Friday, November 5, 2010

Kite Runner Part 2

This book makes me feel like it actually happened and sometimes I get carried away and have to remember that it is only fictional.There was one quote that caught my attention when Baba and Hassan were sitting in Hassan's new car.
'Then Baba rolled his head toward me. "I wish Hassan had been with us today," he said. A pair of steel hands closed around my windpipe at the sound of Hassan's name. I rolled down the window. Waited for the steel hands to loosen their grip.'
A question I have is did Amir feel these 'steel hands' because he felt guilty for what he had done to Hassan in the past? Or was it because he missed Hassan and knew that he would most likely never see him again? Now usually when a person has lost someone or moved away from them, they would probably cry at the sound of their name. But since Amir felt like he was choking, a feeling of guilt probably overwhelmed him almost into shock mode by making him feel like he couldn't breath. So maybe Amir's past was hidden deep down inside of him and arose to the surface of his memories almost instantly.

Right before the end of chapter seventeen, we find out something very surprising. That Baba was Hassan's real father and his 'dad' Ali was sterile. Why didn't Baba just tell Amir and Hassan when they were younger that he was Hassan's dad too? Hassan would have had a better life and it would have saved Amir a whole lot of trouble. Just because people would talk about Baba if he said he was Hassan's dad, he decided to keep it a secret for thirty eight years. By this, we can tell how Baba thinks his reputation was more important than his family. I can't wait to see what happens in chapter eighteen.

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